Never Forget Us: Post Travel Memory Captures

Never Forget Us: Post Travel Memory Captures

School trips present unique opportunities to create lasting memories. As it is often said, “seeing something a hundred times is not as good as living it once.” On a trip, students will see new sites, meet new people, and get to experience things they never otherwise would have. One of the greatest gifts a teacher can give a student is a lasting, educational memory. There are many things educators can do to make an effort to help students remember their trips.

1. Take a lot of pictures and videos. Students will be so busy in the moment that they may forget to take pictures. Even if they do take pictures, they won’t be able to get themselves in the picture. If teachers and chaperones take pictures, they will be able to capture students in the moment. Even better than photos, videos will help students remember not only the sights but the sounds and full memories of a trip.

2. Have them journal each day of the trip. Tell students to bring a notebook or tablet to the trip so they can journal at the end of each day. This way, they can write down in detail what happened while it is fresh in their memories. Detailed journaling also helps them share their experience with family and friends when they return home. A travel journal can be on paper or digital. Allowing students to create a travel blog about their trip will create a timeless (and hard to misplace) record of this special time.

3. Teach them about the destination ahead of time. It’s important to prepare students for their trip by teaching them about it ahead of time. That way, they are already familiar with the basics and can have it solidified in their memory. Also, they will be paying more attention to the specifics of the tours and activities rather than trying to acquire basic knowledge about where they are.

4. Encourage students to ask questions. Encourage students to ask questions during tours, when sightseeing, and at all points during the trip (so long as they are not disrespecting someone else’s speaking time), to help them fully comprehend what they are learning. This will help them better absorb the information in a way that makes sense for them, so they will better remember it in a more personal way.

Remember, a well-planned trip is a memorable one, so be sure to get the help of student trip planning experts for your upcoming trip!